Saini Bhawan

One Saini family

"He who serves community-Serves God"
The foot prints of Great men all remind us for the service of humanity.

Online L.R.Mundra Memorial Scholarship Form

Fill the following from for L.R.Mundra Memorial Scholarship.
(All fields are required to be filled by applicant, if any of them is not valid in your case enter NR/NA)

Panjab Haryana Himachal Pradesh Chandigarh(UT) Delhi
Name of Course Name of Institute Subject Date of Joining Duration of Course
Name of Course Name of Institute Subject Marks Percentage Distinction (if any)
Year Exam.Passed Subjects Taken Marks Percentage Institute Distinction (if any)
Married Unmarried

Declaration - I, solemnly declare :
(a) That the above mentioned information is correct to the best of my knowledge.
(b) That I underkake to continue my above mentioned course of studies successfully.
(c) That I will spend the whole amount of the scholarship received for this course.
(d) That I will refund the received amount in case it becomes impossible to continue my studies.
(e) That I will abide by all the conditions and rules of scholarship prescribed by Saini Charitable Education Trust(Regd.) Rupnagar.
I solemnly swear in the name of God to help another deserving person in future as I have been helped by the TRUST.

I have read and agreed and wish to proceed

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